We offer the full spectrum of services giving us the ability to
develop a geothermal well from conception through to operation.

We work with you to confirm geothermal heating is the solution for your site by assessing heating demands, and financial, planning permission and carbon reduction implications. For sites with an existing heating system we check that the connection to a geothermal well is technically possible.

The well and associated interfaces are designed for a seamless connection to the heating system. Our hydrogeology, planning and environmental consultants liaise with the Environment Agency to secure licences for the well and consent for drilling, and engage with local authorities for planning permission.

We oversee the drilling of the well working with highly experienced and trusted specialist contractors. Once we have thoroughly tested the well, it is connected to the heating system and control equipment is installed to monitor and manage its performance.

Once installed the geothermal system requires very little maintenance since it is simply pumping hot water out of the ground, however we offer a full maintenance service. We use our smart monitoring equipment to make sure the well always performs at optimum level.